企业名称 :麦楷博平会计师事务所
Marcum Bernstein & Pinchuk LLP
Position & Location :
Manager/Assistant manager (Shenzhen/Hangzhou)
Senior associate/Associate (Shenzhen/Guangzhou)
2015 Graduate Recruitment - Associate of Audit and Financial Consulting (Guangzhou/Hangzhou/Shenzhen)
Position: Manager/Assistant manager
Location: Shenzhen/Hangzhou
Type of position: Full-time
Assume responsibility of leading team members to perform audit engagement with high quality and ensuring the professional standard of service of his/her portfolio of clients is maintained
Supervising and coaching senior associate/associate
Constant communication with clients and other professionals, including bankers, attorneys, advisors and IR
Project management, including coaching staff, managing project budgets, and developing strong client relationships
Managing and communicating project risk and issues with mitigation and solution proposed
Participating in delivering complex solutions to client, and to team up with others, synthesize information and develop solid conclusions
Participating in business development activities
Qualification requirement:
Bachelor's degree or above
4.5 year to 5.5 years working experience, Big Four accounting firm experience preferred
ACCA or equivalent qualification is preferred
Good understanding of US GAAP/PRC GAAP, and strong SEC related knowledge and experience is preferred
Strong analytical and creative problem solving capabilities
Good speaking and writing skills in English and Chinese, outstanding interpersonal and communication skills
Assume a high level of responsibility and commitment
Be mature, initiative with strong sense of teamwork
Group facilitation and presentation skills
Able to work under high pressure
Willing to travel in a reasonable range
Position: Senior associate/Associate
Location: Shenzhen/Guangzhou
Type of position: Full-time
Assume a high level of responsibility and commitment
Responsible for specific tasks in audit/consultant project, Accomplishing job objectives under the guidance of project manager
Qualification requirement:
Bachelor's degree or above
1.5 year to 2.5 years working experience, Big Four accounting firm experience preferred
Majoring in Accounting/Auditing/Taxation is preferred
Clear minded, good learning ability and working habit
Good speaking and writing skills in English and Chinese, outstanding interpersonal and communication skills
Enjoying professional and co-operative working environment
Willing to travel in a reasonable range
2015 Graduate Recruitment
Position: Associate
Location: Guangzhou Office/Hangzhou Office/Shenzhen Office
Line of Service: Audit and Financial Consulting
We are primarily looking for graduates from top universities who meet the following criteria:
Bachelor’s degree in Accounting, Taxation or Finance with strong academic achievements
Passion about and commitment toward the opportunities we offer at MB&P
Proficient English skills, both oral and written
Active learning attitude
Demonstration on strong leadership and quickly adapts to a team environment
Effective communication and strong analytical skills.
Job Description and Responsibilities:
As a member of our dynamic audit team, you will be involved in different challenging US SEC reporting engagements (such as IPO audits, recurring financial audits and reviews, SOX404 internal control audits and accounting consulting services). You will start your career as being an associate auditor, work in different engagement teams, and be responsible for the audit on less complex accounts. During the time, senior auditors will provide you superior instructions and timely coaching to enable you to work effectively and efficiently. You will also be promoted as a senior auditor in one or two years solely based on your performance and working experience.
How to Apply?
If you wish to be considered for this position, please send your resume to
Contact MB&P:
Marcum Bernstein & Pinchuk LLP
Suite 2111, CITIC Plaza,
233 Tian He Road North,
Guangzhou, China 510620
Phone: (8620) 3877 01099
Fax: (8620) 8072 0039
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