You must spend at least 50% of your time in the investment decision-making process in order for your work experience to qualify. Keep in mind that there are no "good" or "bad" job titles. Just tell us how your experience relates to the investment decision-making process and be as descriptive as possible.
Job Title | Work Experience Description | Descriptive Enough? |
Portfolio Manager | Rebalance high-net-worth clients' portfolios by trading short-term assets and pooled funds. Analyze and evaluate client performance reports. | Yes |
Rebalance portfolios; perform reporting. | No (too brief) | |
Securities Underwriter | Prepare financial models based on reviewed information; participate in the valuation and decision-making process; analyze fundamental and value acquisition targets for clients. | Yes |
My company provides risk analysis and financial planning for customers. | No (does not describe job duties ) | |
Auditor | I perform financial statement audits of investment companies and in the process test the custody and pricing of the portfolios. Used Bloomberg and learned the accounting of several security types, including equities, bonds, options, and futures. | Yes |
Review the internal control processes to ensure compliance with the requirements of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act and recommend process improvements. Perform non-SOX-related financial and operational audits on businesses to identify control and process weaknesses and recommend process improvements. | No (does not add value to the investment decision-making process) | |
Quantitative Investment Analyst | As a financial engineer in an asset management company, I am responsible for evaluating product development and using quantitative methods and tools to recommend asset allocations, construct portfolios, and perform derivative analysis. | Yes |
My work is related to product design and quantitative analysis. | No (too brief) | |
Consultant | I am a management consultant to the financial services industry, working with risk management functions, assisting clients in developing and refining statistically based credit risk models covering a diverse range of portfolios. | Yes |
Management consulting for the financial services industry. | No (too brief) | |
Actuary | I perform projections, cash flow analysis, and durational analysis of individual health insurance policies. These activities have a direct bearing on the investments chosen to back the reserves for these blocks of business. | Yes |
Support annual actuarial valuation process. Benefit calculations. | No (does not add value) |
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- cfa的含金量如何?
CFA证书全称Chartered Financial Analyst(特许注册金融分析师),是全球投资业里最为严格与高含金量资格认证,为全球投资业在道德操守、专业标准及知识体系等方面设立了规范与标准,具有较高的知名度和影响力。 英国的国际学术认证中心,还将持有CFA证书视为拥有硕士学历水平,能让想进修的金融专业人士,充分学习等同于金融硕士的知识课程。此外,人民日报三年内连续四次推荐CFA证书!因此,无论是从国际知名度还是国内知名度来说,CFA资格认证的含金量和认可度都是非常高的。
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