1. Protect integrity of opinions. Reports should reflect the analyst’s unbiased opinion.
2. Disclose all corporate relationships (i.e., directorships, underwriting arrangements or acting as a market maker).
3. Disclose personal holdings and beneficial ownerships.
4. Create a restricted list.
5. Restrict special cost arrangements. Members should pay for their commercial transportation and hotel charges.
6. Limit gifts (US$100 is the maximum acceptable value for a gift or gratuity).
7. Restrict investments (strict limits should be imposed on private placements).
8. Review procedures (supervise the personal investment activities of the employees).
B.: Interactions with Clients and Prospects
IV(B.1) Fiduciary Duties: In relationships with clients, members shall use particular care in determining applicable fiduciary duty and shall comply with such duty as to those persons and interests to whom the duty is owed. Members must act for the benefit of their clients and place their clients' interests before their own.
1. Follow all applicable rules and laws.
2. Establish the investment objectives of the client.
3. Diversify.
4. Deal fairly with all clients with respect to investment actions.
5. Disclose all possible conflicts of interest.
6. Disclose compensation arrangements.
7. Preserve the confidentiality of client information.
8. Maintain loyalty to the plan beneficiaries.
IV(B.2) Portfolio Investment Recommendations and Actions: Members shall:
a. Make a reasonable inquiry into a client's financial situation, investment experience, and investment objectives prior to making any investment recommendations and shall update this information as necessary, but no less frequently than annually, to allow the members to adjust their investment recommendations to reflect changed circumstances.
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CFA证书全称Chartered Financial Analyst(特许注册金融分析师),是全球投资业里最为严格与高含金量资格认证,为全球投资业在道德操守、专业标准及知识体系等方面设立了规范与标准,具有较高的知名度和影响力。 英国的国际学术认证中心,还将持有CFA证书视为拥有硕士学历水平,能让想进修的金融专业人士,充分学习等同于金融硕士的知识课程。此外,人民日报三年内连续四次推荐CFA证书!因此,无论是从国际知名度还是国内知名度来说,CFA资格认证的含金量和认可度都是非常高的。
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