
来源: 高顿网校 2014-01-22
  One of the most telling things about a job candidate is the type of questions she asks the interviewer. You don't have much time to ask a lot of questions, so make sure you ask the right ones. There was one in particular that will catch interviewer’s eye:
  Thinking back to the person who you've seen do this job best, what made their performanceso outstanding?
  Most managers' ears will perk up at this question, because it signals that you care not just about being averageor even good, but truly great. This is the question managers wish all their employees would ask.
  That's a pretty good question to ask, but remember to also pay attention to what your interviewer is saying throughoutthe interview so you can tailorspecific questions to what you both discussed. This will show her that you're good at paying attention and processinginformation.
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