
来源: 高顿网校 2015-08-25
  Sometimes you may be interviewed in a professional environment, rather than through the webcam attached to your home computer. This could be either at a recruiter’s office, or with a company that provides video conferencing services.
  “You should arrive early so that you have time to make yourself comfortable. Ask for assistance if you’re not sure about how to use the equipment,” said Li Ling, an HR manager at Walmart (China) Investment Co Ltd in Shenzhen.
  “Even if you can figure it out, it’s better to ask for a quick overview.”
  It’s important that you dress as you would for an in-person interview. Zou Xiafei, 26, made a mistake when she applied for a sales position in a Beijing trade company in June. “For the video interview Shenzhen I wore a suit jacket, a dress shirt, and a tie, presuming that only my top half would be visible,” she said.
  “But when I stood up, the interviewer had a full view of the jeans I was wearing. I was really embarrassed.”
  Besides tidying up your appearance, make sure your table is neat, too. Remember that a microphone picks up all the sounds in a room, so don’t tap your pen or shuffle papers.
  “It’s better to make eye contact with the webcam. If you just look at the screen, the camera will focus on the top of your head, which makes you look weird,” said Hao Jian, a senior human resource consultant at
  According to Hao, everyone is nervous during a video interview. “Just remember to smile, answer the questions as best you can, and be your awesome self,” he said.

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