2. Hezi Cohen, a CFA candidate, is a heavy user of social networking sites on the Internet. His favorite site only allows a limited number of characters for each entry so he has learned to abbreviate everything, including CFA trademarks. Cohen also enjoys professional networking sites and contributes regularly to blogs that discuss the broad topical areas covered within the CFA Exam Program. In addition, he posts to these blogs pieces he has written in his area of expertise: retirement planning. By claiming to be an expert on retirement planning, he believes his stature within the investment community increases and he can gain more clients. Which Internet activity can Cohen most likely continue to be in compliance with the CFA Standards of  Professional Conduct?
  A. Use of abbreviations.
  B. Claiming retirement planning expertise.
  C. Blogging about broad topical areas within the CFA Exam Program.
  Correct answer: B
  Recommend practices and procedures designed to prevent violations of the Code of Ethics and Standards of Professional Conduct.
  B is correct because the CFA Standards do not prevent a person from claiming to be an expert in their area of specialty as long it is not a misrepresentation and/or an exaggeration of their skill and expertise.
  高顿网校特别提醒:已经报名 2014年CFA考试的考生可按照复习 计划有效进行!另外,高顿网校2014年CFA考试辅导高清网络课程已经开通,通过针对性地讲解、训练、答疑、模考,对学习过程进行全程跟踪、分析 、指导,可以帮助考生全面提升备考效果。