First of all, you will be amazed or relieved to know that REG is clearly not math intensive. Do not let the AMT calculation and the other calculations in Becker scare you. Actually, I answered 80% of the questions without using a single calculator, although that option was there for me.
2nd, the questions require "your ability to remember a rule" more than numbers. It was consistently clear in the testlets I got that the examiners were not interested in my maths skills but my understanding and ability to recognize when e.g. "HIDE IT" or "Mom and Pop" exclusions applied.
3rd, having a discussion partner where you are able to discuss or talk it out on some of these rules (particularly exceptions) will be helpful to your retentive memory. They helped me alot to ID the MCQ answers. More kudos to Becker for some of their "drama" depictions in their video. They surely rang a bell; I remembered Peter Olinto showing off his LEGS in "MYLEGS" lecture.
4th, the questions are no longer straightforward. They have moved away from the traditional style of posing the questions as Becker has them. I am not sure if it is the "new way" the examiners are going. However, it doesn't matter the style, if you did not learn Becker just by knowing how to pick the right questions in their practice questions but why that answer was right for the question then you will be able to answer them regardless.
Finally, work more on your ability to recall the exceptions and know what goes on basic forms - like K, K-1, M1-M3, 1041, 1040, etc. I recommend printing these and looking them over before the exams. I have more tips if you want to contact me privately. I will share score in the coming days. Cheers and good luck! Next, I am taking FAR.
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