CPA Exam Score Release Reminder,July/August 2011
This information was emailed to CPA exam candidates on Monday,August 1,2011.
We anticipate that by the October/November 2011 testing window that we will have aggregated enough data so that the additional analyses won’t be necessary,and scores for candidates who test at domestic testing locations can be processed on a rolling basis,and hence more frequently.We encourage candidates to visit the Psychometrics and Scoring page on the Exams website for reliable information about score release and the scoring process.The AICPA does not endorse or support any other website or forum for disseminating information about the Uniform CPA Examination.
The score release timeline for candidates who have tested at an international testing location,in Japan or the Middle East,will be different than that of domestic candidates.International exam forms will be subject to some additional statistical analysis and,therefore,will be released after domestic scores have been distributed.Scores for international candidates who have tested in August 2011 are planned to be released in early October 2011.
For candidates who have tested in the July/August 2011 testing window at a domestic testing location,barring unforeseen circumstances,the AICPA will release the scores to NASBA over a 7-10 day period beginning the third week of September 2011.
Because of the significant changes made to the content and structure of the Uniform CPA Examination in 2011,there have been comparable changes to the scoring process,all of which requires more extensive psychometric analyses of both test questions and candidate performance for the first three windows of this year.Sufficient data needs to be aggregated for the required additional analyses and the data must come from actual,operational exam results.For each testing window,we have to acquire a sufficient sample size of exam results in order to perform the required analyses and score the exams properly.This process takes time.Therefore,for the first three testing windows of 2011,scores will only be released after the end of each window.
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